CCD Updates-11/08/2024

Dear all,

Below are the CCD Updates

1.This Sunday, Mass will begin at 10:00 AM, followed by CCD classes

2. Please support our 9th graders in their food drive, with all donations benefiting the Catholic Charities Community Services of Rockland and helping those in need in our community.

3. Please encourage your children in grades 4 and up to join the Bible Reading Challenge! Let's commit to reading the entire New Testament together, from November through April. If you haven't registered yet, sign up soon and start reading from today's date. Please click the link below for more details

Biblia 2024 . You can register your names in the below  google form -

4. Please refer to the link below for details regarding the Dei Verbum Bible Quiz. All students from Grades 4 to 12 are automatically enrolled, and starting this year, participation in the quiz is mandatory. Ten percent of the CCD exam grade will be based on the Dei Verbum Bible Quiz. If you have any questions, please email or contact the Quiz coordinator Gisha at 201-310-9483

5. The first semester exam is scheduled for December 15th

Thank you

CCD Team


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