CCD Updates

Dear all,
Below are some of the important CCD updates.

1. Next Sunday, we have CCD after the 10:30 AM mass.
Parents have a safe environment session by Sindhu Thomas after the mass.
2. 8th graders are doing the bake sale on 10/30/2022 Sunday after the mass. All money raised through the bake sale will go to the Sisters of Life.
Please send in a dollar or two with your children next Sunday, so they can buy baked goods. Thank you Siby Joseph (Volunteer Coordinator), Gisha George (8th Grade teacher), Rajesh Mathew (8th Grade teacher), 8th Grade Parents & Students for doing this wonderful activity.

3. Our church is looking to start the marching band. If your children are practising any instrument (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet,trombone, baritone, snare drums,bass drums and symbols) in school, please encourage them to join our marching band. We need 10 minimum participants. If you have any questions, please reply to this email or contact Sajan Thomas (Ph:845 321 0781)

4. Dei Verbum 2023 Parish Level Quiz will be conducted on Sunday, December 4th, 2022.
 All three levels of the Bible Quiz will be conducted online  using the SpeedExam Site, the same website used last year.
 All candidates must enroll with a registration fee of $10.
 The last day to enroll is Nov 6th, 2022.
 Participants must get a score of at least 80% to go to the next level of the quiz.
You can use the link below to register. 
If you have any questions, please contact Ansa Kandamkulathy: 845 270-5081(

5.We are going to have a faith and mental health session on 10/30/2022 for 8th graders to 12th graders in the auditorium. Melissa Abraham will lead the seminar. Thank you Rebecca Vayalumkal and Treasa  Roy for coordinating this event. If you have any questions, please let us know

Thank you,
CCD Team


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